I was deeply touched, when I got the invitation to do healing work at the healing gathering of the Cree Native Indians. We were 50 healers from all around the world. Each healer had his own Tipi.
Together we built a very strong and powerful healing circle for the whole week.
The healer gathering arose out of a vision of the Cree during a pipe ceremony. Four pipemakers asked for healing for their people and they were given the task of organizing a healer meeting to be held once a year. It should be accessible to everyone and the treatments should be free. The meeting should be financed by donations.
It was a totally new experience for me to do healing work in a foreign country and to use the english language, as I am German. I was fascinated what a variety of healers gathered together. Every single special and individual as a person and a healer.
Before the first clients arrived we did a zeremonie and prayers and asked the elemental spirits to support us. The holy fire was ignited and we offered tobacco. This holy fire should burn day and night, during the whole week. A fire man watched it carefully.
Right after the opening we started with our healing work. From morning till night we were busy, just a very short lunch break.
Millions of mosquitos were with us and it was a great challenge for me to deal with. I discovered a certain symbol, which helped me a lot to stop the itching.
Every morning and evening we did “offerings” I never had so many treatments a day. The healer from Germany was in great demand. Some clients came from far away, 14 hours on the road, most of them were Native Indians.
The topics of the treatments had a great variety, drog addiction, abuse, crime, sudden death of the children, depression. To work together with so many healers and to have this circle we established together was a great support for everyone.
I did most of the healing work with my drum. The other healers loved my drumming and integrated the sound in their healing work,
Time went by and a the end of the gathering we dissolved the holy circle, blew out the fire and felt that we always will stay connected, equal where we are. We all carry the magical healing energy inside of us and can share it with our family and our clients at home,
It was a life changing experience for me.
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